




Information & Forms

Useful stuff for our members

Popular Downloads

These are quick links to our most popular downloads. If you require something else, please use the File Browser below.

Permission to Camp Form

Every ‘Nights Away’ event that a young person attends requires a Permission to Camp Form to be completed so that we can ensure we have up-to-date information.

Permission to Camp Form

Welcome Pack

Information on all aspects of Hatch Warren Scout Group. This is most useful to parents new to the Group but can be a useful source of information for all.

Welcome Pack

File Browser

Please use the file browser below to access the latest group forms and information. If you cannot find what you are a looking for, please get in touch.

[useyourdrive dir=”1YwjOWUhoM2YoI8MMJGZ1Tuj6AHXjdHXS” mode=”files”  downloadrole=”all” filelayout=”list” roottext=”Home”]