
Aged based groups in Scouting

Scouting is open to all young people aged between 4 and 25 years old from any faith, belief or background. There are 6 sections, based on the member’s age, which make up Scouting and each offers their own range of badges, awards and activities.

All sections rely on adult volunteers leaders to run – why not get involved…!?


6 - 8 yrs

Squirrels Logo

Squirrels is a completely new provision for 4–5 year olds. There are plenty of reasons to get stuck in, as Squirrels gives young people the chance to Make friends, Have fun outdoors, Learn new things and Earn badges through fun activities.

We do not currently have Squirrels in Hatch Warren Scout Group. If you think you might be interested in helping us open this exciting new section, please get in touch!

Beavers Scouts

6 - 8 yrs

Beavers Logo

The Beaver Section is for youngsters aged between 6 and 8 years. The programme for this age group is based around Fun & Friends. Each Beaver ‘Colony’ usually meets once a week and have a great time playing games or making some craft items. They have a structured and ongoing learning progress which will prepare them for the transition to the Cub section.

Hatch Warren run two Beaver Colonies.

Chinook Beavers

Thursday: 18:15 – 19:30

Ojibwa Beavers

Friday: 18:00 – 19:15

Cub Scouts

8 - 10½ yrs

Cubs logo

The Cub Section is the next stage in the process and is for young people between the ages of 8 & 10½. Like the Beavers they also have a programme of activities which help to mould their progress in life and in Scouting. They are given a bit more responsibility and freedom to undertake different challenges and adventures.

Hatch Warren run two Cub Packs.

Cherokee Cubs

Monday: 18:30 – 20:00

Navajo Cubs

Monday: 18:30 – 20:00


10½ - 14 yrs

Scouts logo

The Scout Section is the next section up the chain. This is for members who are aged between 10 ½  & 14. As you can imagine at this age the young people are looking for more adventure and a more challenging Scouting experience. We also encourage more independence and responsibility as they move through Scouts. This is gained by a programme of progressive training, delivered via structured leadership teams.

Hatch Warren run one Scout Troop.

Comanche Scouts

Thursday: 19:30 – 21:15


14 - 18 yrs

Explorers Logo

Explorer Scouts cater for our 14-18 year old members Both of these sections are guided by a leadership team that are working towards the higher end awards: i.e.: Duke of Edinburgh or Queens Scout awards. This is achieved by a largely Explorer Scout lead programme of activities which encourage the young person to be the best they can be and also have fun while learning.

Explorer Scouts operate at a District Level and we have 5 Explorer Units in the District.

Pafupi Explorers are based in Hatch Warren. For more details please visit the Basingstoke West District Scouts website:

Pafupi Explorers

Tuesday: 19:30 – 21:30


18 - 25 yrs

Network Logo

Network Scouts are for young adults between 18-25 yrs old. Network has a less formal setup but can still help members reach the highest youth award in Scouting – the Queen’s Scout Award.

Network Scouts operate at a District Level. For more details please visit the Basingstoke West District Scouts website: