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Scouts Code of Conduct

Our expectations of our members

To allow all of our Scouts to enjoy our activities in a fun, safe and friendly environment, they have created this Code of Conduct. It was written many years ago but is reviewed and updated regularly by the Scouts currently in the troop.

The Code of Conduct

  • Treat others with respect,
  • Be kind to everyone,
  • Take pride & arrive in the correct uniform or clothing for the activity,
  • No Cheating – Play fairly and include everyone,
  • Give your best effort in all you do,
  • Attend all meetings and events where possible:
    • Arrive on time for each meeting
    • Arrive in the correct uniform or clothing for the meeting /activity
    • Ensure uniforms are smart and shirts are tucked in upon arrival
  • Bring what you’ve been asked to, and only that*,
  • Keep your language clean,
  • Respect all Scouting ceremonies.


*Contraband: Mobile phones (speak to a leader if there is a special reason to have your phone), Food, Electronics, MP3 Players, Games Consoles.

Items will be confiscated for the duration of a meeting or event


We, the Scouts and Leaders of Hatch Warren Scout Group, agree to follow the Code of Conduct and understand that repeated breach of this code might result in discussions with parents regarding bad behaviour or exclusion from future activities.


Should behaviour fall below the expected level leaders leaders will speak with the Scout(s) involved and, if deemed necessary, their parent or guardian. If their actions are deemed to be more severe, leaders may decide that they will miss a meeting or activity.